Satellite Earth Station Gateway

CA Science, CA Technology

Posted Date November 30, 2022


Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) has released recommendations on ‘Licensing Framework for Establishing and Operating Satellite Earth Station Gateway (SESG)’.

News Summary:

  • SESG (Gateway Hub) –
    • It acts as a bridge between space-based communication network and terrestrial communication network.
    • It houses the equipment that convert Radio Frequency (RF) signal to an Internet Protocol (IP) signal for terrestrial connectivity.
  • Recommendations –
    • Separate SESG License under Indian Telegraph Act, 1885 and Service Area for it shall be at National Level.
    • Only the companies registered under the Companies Act, 2013 shall be eligible to apply for grant of SESG Licence.

Satellite communication (Satcom):

  • It refers to any communication link that involves the use of an artificial satellite in its propagation path.
  • 2 main components –
    • Ground segment (consists of fixed or mobile transmission, reception equipment)
    • Space segment (the satellite itself)
  • Satcom in India: GSAT-10 communication satellite, INSAT-3A etc.
  • Advantages –
    • Provide data connectivity in remote locations due to its ability for rapid deployment.
    • Enable development and growth in industry sector by augmenting geographical reach of telecom operators etc.
    • Cheaper over long- distance telephone transmission.
    • Used in global mobile communication, weather forecasting, radio/TV signal broadcasting, etc.

Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI):

  • A statutory body established under Telecom Regulatory Authority of India Act, 1997.
  • Headquarters: New Delhi
  • Objectives –
    • To create and nurture conditions for growth of telecommunications in the country.
    • To regulate telecom services including fixation/revision of tariffs for telecom services.
    • To provide a fair and transparent policy environment.
  • Members –
    • Chairperson
    • Vice-Chairperson
    • 2 whole-time members & 2 part-time members
    • Appointed by: Government of India
    • Tenure: 3 years or 65 years of age
  • Decisions of the meetings – Majority voting (Chairperson or the member presiding the meeting has a casting vote in case of equality)
  • Recommendations are not binding.
  • Powers –
    • Order for Furnishing Information
    • Appointments for Inquiry
    • Order for Inspection
    • Issue Directions to Service Providers

Telecom Disputes Settlement and Appellate Tribunal (TDSAT):

  • TRAI Amendment Act, 2000 established TDSAT.
  • Aim – To take over the adjudicatory and disputes functions from TRAI.
  • Members –
    • Chairperson + 2 other members
    • Appointed by – Central Government in consultation with the Chief Justice of India.
    • Tenure – 4 years or 70 years of age

Reference: PIB

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